Tuanshan 团山村
Photos of the village of Tuanshan and the Zhang family residence
Tuanshan village
Tuanshan is a superb, authentic little unspoilt village, located not far from Jianshui, about 20 minutes’ drive and 15 km west of Jianshui. It can now be reached by a small, very bucolic road, or by bike from Jianshui, or even by train on an old track built by the French at the beginning of the 20th century, from Kunming to Hanoi, with two stops along the way, at the famous Pont aux deux Dragons and at an old station of Franco-Chinese architecture.
Zhang family residence
The Zhang family residence is a superb mansion in the heart of the village of Tuanshan. This village seems to have escaped modernity, and despite the wear and tear of time on the buildings, you can still make out the rich past of the Zhang family, who made their fortune from the salt trade.
In a maze of narrow streets through the village, you can see some of the more or less well-preserved architectural details on some of the houses. You will also see some old houses where a few locals still live, including some descendants of the Zhang family.
The pediments of the houses are carved in wood, with fantastic animals such as dragons, lions and phœnixes depicted in Indian ink, as well as flowers and silhouettes.
It is possible to drink tea in the heart of the Zhang residence, have lunch or dinner there, or even sleep there, but the conditions are very rustic. However, the welcome is immensely warm and the place is particularly peaceful.
Entrance to the village costs 35RMB per person.