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Temple of Confucius 孔子庙

Photos of the Confucius temple in Jianshui

Confucius Temple in Jianshui

The Confucius Temple in Jianshui is the second largest in China after the one in Qufu, the master’s birthplace.

Located just a few minutes’ walk from the centre of the old town, the temple is entered from the south, directly overlooking the Sea of Studies, a symbol of the immensity of Confucian knowledge. You will then visit a series of inner courtyards, superb porticoes and pavilions. The temple gates, such as those of the Star of Literary Talent and the Hall of Great Perfection, are very important in Chinese architecture. The Hall of Great Perfection, decorated in brilliant colours, is the main temple and was built in the Mongol period.

The Confucius temples in China had two aims: to pay homage to Confucius and to provide children with a quality education. In Jianshui, it was also used to represent imperial power and to sit Mandarin examinations. Today, there is still a school complex close to the temple. The site is very popular with the elderly, who come here to chat or play mahjong.

Entrance to the temple costs 40RMB per person.

Temple of Confucius 孔子庙 : visits around

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