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Yuanyang Old Town 元阳古城

Photos of Yuanyang Old Town Market

Yuanyang Old Town

There are two cities in Yuanyang: Nansha, the new city, and Xinjie, the old city. It is the latter that interests us here.
Don’t expect a traditional old Chinese city, however. Nothing flamboyant, brick and cement buildings have gradually replaced the adobe houses. The result is a large, pleasant town to walk around in, but far from the architectural style of Jianshui further north. The region remains quite poor.
This quiet little town is located 110 km southwest of Gejiu. The altitude is 1800m. It is surrounded by magnificent rice field landscapes. Ailao Mountain is surrounded by the oldest rice fields.
The city lives to the rhythm of the market that takes place every five days (Monkey, Dragon and Rat Day). Local minorities, mainly the Hani, Yi and Yao, meet there to sell their goods. The market is full of color thanks to the costumes of the minorities and the various products offered: fabrics, herbs, tobacco, meats, tofu, fruits and vegetables.
The Xinjie market is held along the main street of Yuanyang town. It takes place on the days of the monkey, rat and dragon.
The Yunti Hotel that we use less and less is located in the heart of the old town: Yunti Hotel.

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