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Cangshan Mountain

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- Review updated on 26 juillet 2024

Photo of the sky path in the mountains

Cangshan Mountain

Cangshan Mountain, also known as “Diancang Mountain”, situated in the west of Erhai Lake in Yunnan. The most famous historical relics include the butterfly springs (Hu die quan), dragon’s eye cave (long yan dong), General cave, Gantong temple, zhonghe temple and so on.Cangshan Mountain is well-known of its clouds, springs and rocks. One of the most amazing clouds counts for the “jade belt cloud” (Yu dai yun). It comes out during end of summer to mid fall, predicting a plentiful harvest of the agriculture. The more it appears, it represents the coming year will have a better harvest and favorable weather. Cangshan’s springs are famous because most of them are located as high as 3800 Meters above sea level that are said to be discovered since the Quaternary Period. However you can also find out the marbles (Dali Rocks) in Cangshan Mountain; it is said that the marbles from the Cangshan Mountain are the most beautiful and magnificent.

The 8 flowers of Yunnan

Besides, Tourists may find the eight famous flowers of Yunnan and various wild animals here.

Les fameuses 8 fleurs du Yunnan: Le Camélia
Le Camélia en chinois
Les fameuses 8 fleurs du Yunnan: L’Azalée
L’Azalée en chinois
Les fameuses 8 fleurs du Yunnan: La Primevère
La Primevère en chinois
Les fameuses 8 fleurs du Yunnan: La Gentiane
La Gentiane en chinois
Les fameuses 8 fleurs du Yunnan: Le Lys
Le Lys en chinois
Les fameuses 8 fleurs du Yunnan: Le Magnolia
Le Magnolia en chinois
Les fameuses 8 fleurs du Yunnan: L’Orchidée
L’Orchidée en chinois
Les fameuses 8 fleurs du Yunnan: Pavot bleu
Pavot bleu en chinois

More about Cangshan Mountain

Hiking Dali’s Cangshan Mountains21 June 2007For most people living in Kunming, Dali is known primarily as a place to go to chill out and relax. What is not-so-well-known is that Dali also has a lot of great hiking to offer hikers of all levels.The Cangshan mountain range on the west side of Dali Old Town is accessible by cable car or the old-fashioned way: hoofing it to the top. The hike up takes approximately two hours whereas the cable car takes about half an hour and costs thirty yuan a one-way ride. The cable car operates from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm – make sure to give yourself enough time to get back to the cable car station if you are planning on taking it back down to Dali. Last year the Cangshan area was designated a ‘scenic spot’ by the local government, so anyone ascending the mountains – on foot or cable car – must pay 30 yuan to enter the mountain area.Whether you take the cable car or hike up the mountain, it is advisable to first hit Zhonghe Temple, which in addition to a temple features a small Bai-style restaurant and a small square with a is a beautiful view of Erhai Lake as well as plenty of stores to stock up on food and water. It is also at the head of several trails that stretch throughout the mountain range.Hiking options in the Cangshan range include trips to lakes, waterfalls, mountain peaks and temples. For those looking for a leisurely hike the Cloud Pass is an easy choice. The stone path is fairly flat and winds around six mountains, past five waterfalls and three temples. There are also side trails jutting out from the Cloud Pass near the waterfalls that lead upward to clear pools, more waterfalls and excellent vistas. Stretching about twenty kilometers, Cloud Pass can also provide a nice workout. With road signs and plenty of other hikers there is no danger of losing your way.If you plan on doing one of the more difficult hikes, it is a good idea to check in with the employees at the Higherland Inn. They are very knowledgable about trails in the area and offer free maps and information for hikers. The hike to the summit of Zhonghe, the second highest mountain in the area at 4,100 meters, generally takes nine hours for the round trip hike, so it is recommended to stay at the inn for a night to get an early start. In some places the trail to the top is a little overgrown but it is not difficult to follow. Along the way bright green bamboo forests and clear mountain streams make one feel far from the human world.After hours of hiking with no signs of civilization, the summit boasts a large TV tower with 20 full-time employees (who are often inside watching TV). This is a great place to take a lunch break and relax a bit before the hike down. The TV tower employees are very kind and enjoy talking to passersby. Upon arriving, it is common to be greeted with a round of hellos from the workers. If you have a tent and want to stay up top for a while, there is a trail on the Cangshan ridge that can be taken north or south, with beautiful views and small mountain lakes dotting the way.The best time to hike above Dali is late summer and early autumn as to avoid the rainy season. It is advisable to bring some warm clothes whenever you hike in the area because cold weather can move in quickly on the mountaintops.Source from

Map of Cangshan Mountain


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